Scope and Objective of the New Regulations

New telemarketing regulations are designed to protect consumers from unwanted marketing calls, enhancing their privacy and safety. These regulations define telemarketing as any phone call, marketing text message, or social media message sent to a consumer for marketing purposes.

The scope of these new rules covers all licensed businesses engaging in telemarketing activities, including phone calls, SMS, and social media promotions.

Governed by Cabinet Resolutions No. 56 and No. 57 of 2024, and supervised by the Ministry of Economy and other agencies, these regulations are set to come into effect on August 27, 2024. The aim is to encourage businesses to adapt and align their practices accordingly, promoting transparency and ethical marketing standards. Businesses are mandated to inform consumers about the usage of their personal data in marketing efforts, a move designed to promote transparency and build consumer trust.

These new rules mark a significant shift in the regulatory framework for telemarketing in the UAE. Clear guidelines and objectives in the regulations protect consumer interests while establishing a fair and ethical business environment. This comprehensive approach ensures that businesses engage in responsible marketing practices while consumers benefit from enhanced privacy and control over their personal data, including obtaining consumer consent.

Key Compliance Requirements for Businesses

To ensure compliance with the new telemarketing regulations, businesses must adhere to several key obligations:

  1. Use local phone numbers registered under the company’s commercial license.
  2. Maintain detailed records of all telemarketing activities.

These measures are designed to promote ethical business practices and protect consumers from unsolicited marketing calls.

Adhering to these new rules helps businesses avoid penalties and build a reputation for ethical conduct. Regulatory compliance enhances legal safety, consumer trust, and loyalty.

Maintaining a transparent and responsible approach to telemarketing is essential for businesses aiming to thrive in today’s competitive market.

Use of Local Phone Numbers

All telemarketing calls must originate from local caller phone numbers that are registered under the business’s commercial license with a licensed telecommunications provider. This requirement ensures transparency and traceability, allowing consumers to identify the caller and verify the legitimacy of the call. Using local phone numbers also helps businesses comply with regulations and avoid penalties for unauthorized marketing activities.

Using local phone numbers helps businesses build trust with consumers and reduces the likelihood of calls being perceived as unsolicited marketing. This practice aligns with the new regulations and enhances the overall effectiveness of telemarketing campaigns. It also enables businesses to create a local presence and foster stronger connections with their target audience.

Maintain Detailed Records

Maintaining detailed records of all telemarketing activities is a critical compliance requirement under the new regulations. Businesses must keep accurate records of all marketing calls, including the source of their customer database, and submit these records to relevant authorities for monitoring. This practice ensures transparency and accountability, helping businesses demonstrate their commitment to ethical telemarketing practices.

Accurate record-keeping is essential for compliance and helps businesses avoid penalties for non-compliance. Maintaining detailed records allows businesses to provide evidence of regulatory adherence and address inquiries from authorities. This proactive approach not only ensures compliance but also enhances the credibility and reputation of the business.

Consumer Protection Measures

The new telemarketing regulations include several measures designed to protect consumers and ensure ethical business practices. Businesses are required to comply with strict guidelines outlined in Cabinet Resolutions Nos. 56 and 57 of 2024, which mandate obtaining consumer consent before making promotional calls and restricting telemarketing activities to specific hours. These measures are aimed at protecting consumer interests and enhancing privacy.

Adhering to these consumer protection measures, including safeguarding consumer privacy, helps businesses build trust with customers and avoid potential legal issues. Ensuring compliance with these guidelines not only protects consumers but also promotes responsible and ethical marketing practices. This approach helps businesses create a positive image and foster long-term relationships with their customers.

Consent for Personal Data Use

One of the key consumer protection measures under the new regulations is the requirement for telemarketers to obtain explicit permission from consumers before using their personal data for marketing purposes. This rule ensures that consumers have control over their personal information and can make informed decisions about its use. Securing explicit consent demonstrates businesses’ commitment to consumer privacy and ethical marketing practices.

Obtaining consent for personal data use is not only a regulatory requirement but also a best practice for building consumer trust. When consumers feel that their privacy is respected, they are more likely to engage with marketing efforts and develop a positive perception of the business. This approach fosters transparency and enhances the overall effectiveness of telemarketing campaigns.

Opt-Out Mechanism

The Do Not Call Registry (DNCR) is a critical tool for protecting consumers from unsolicited marketing calls. By registering their numbers with the DNCR, consumers can prevent telemarketers from contacting them, thereby safeguarding their privacy and reducing the intrusion of marketing calls. Businesses are required to respect the choices of consumers listed on the DNCR and are prohibited from making marketing calls to them.

Implementing a robust opt-out mechanism is essential for ensuring compliance with the new regulations and protecting consumer interests. Respecting the DNCR and offering opt-out options demonstrate businesses’ commitment to ethical marketing practices, building customer trust.

This approach helps create a positive customer experience and enhances the reputation of the business.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

The new telemarketing regulations include strict penalties for non-compliance to ensure businesses adhere to the established guidelines. Companies that violate these regulations may face fines, warnings, license suspension, suspension of activities, and even cancellation of business licenses. These penalties are designed to deter non-compliance and promote responsible telemarketing practices.

Understanding the potential consequences of non-compliance is crucial for businesses to avoid severe penalties. Adhering to the new regulations helps businesses maintain operations, protect their reputation, and build consumer trust.

Ensuring compliance with the regulations not only avoids legal issues but also supports ethical business practices and consumer protection.

Fines and Warnings

The penalties for non-compliance with the new telemarketing regulations include fines and warnings for first-time violations and subsequent offenses. For example, individuals using personal phone numbers for telemarketing can face a fine of AED 5,000 (US$1,361.30). Repeat violations within 30 days of an initial offense result in an increased fine of AED 50,000 (US$13,613.04) and a one-year service ban on telecommunications.

Consumers have the option to report violations of the telemarketing regulations by sending an SMS with the offending number to the designated regulatory body. This mechanism empowers consumers to take action against unwanted marketing calls and ensures that businesses adhere to the established guidelines.

Understanding and complying with these penalties allows businesses to avoid severe consequences and maintain operations.

Suspension and Revocation of Licenses

Repeated offenses can result in the suspension of a business’s telemarketing activities or the complete revocation of its operating license. Companies that repeatedly violate telemarketing rules risk having their commercial licenses suspended or revoked. Severe breaches of telemarketing regulations can lead to immediate suspension of business activities in addition to license revocation.

To avoid these severe penalties, businesses must comply with telemarketing regulations and adhere to ethical standards. Demonstrating a commitment to responsible marketing practices helps businesses protect their licenses and continue operations without disruption.

Ensuring compliance with the new regulations is essential for maintaining a positive reputation and avoiding severe consequences.

Increased Fines for Subsequent Violations

The new regulations include a structured escalation of fines for repeated violations to deter non-compliance and promote responsible telemarketing practices. The first offense incurs a fine of AED 50,000, the second offense incurs AED 75,000, and subsequent violations may reach AED 150,000. These increasing fines reflect the severity of non-compliance and encourage businesses to adhere to telemarketing regulations.

Understanding the escalation mechanism for fines enables businesses to take proactive steps to ensure compliance and avoid repeated violations. This approach not only helps businesses avoid severe penalties but also promotes ethical marketing practices and enhances consumer trust.

Ensuring compliance with the new regulations is crucial for maintaining a positive reputation and avoiding severe consequences.

Adapting to New Regulations: Training for Businesses

To comply with the new telemarketing regulations, businesses must implement comprehensive training programs for their employees. Continuous training is essential to keep up with rapid regulatory changes that can impact business operations. Training telemarketing staff in ethical standards and proper use of the ‘Do Not Call’ Registry ensures compliance and upholds ethical standards.

Training programs should cover the new regulations, ethical telemarketing practices, and the use of compliance tools. By investing in training and adaptation, businesses can build a knowledgeable and compliant workforce, reduce the risk of non-compliance, and enhance their overall effectiveness.

Training Sales Teams

Sales teams must be well-prepared to understand and comply with the new regulations to avoid legal issues and maintain ethical standards. Proper training helps the sales team understand the legal and ethical dimensions of sales, enabling them to make compliant decisions. The TDRA requires telemarketers to provide training on ethical conduct and adherence to the Do Not Call Register.

Training sales teams on the new regulations ensures that telemarketing activities are conducted responsibly and ethically. This approach not only helps businesses avoid penalties but also enhances consumer trust and loyalty. Effective training programs are essential for maintaining compliance and promoting ethical telemarketing practices.

Updating Marketing Practices

Businesses must update their marketing practices to comply with the new regulations and protect consumer interests. Marketing communications must adhere to compliance regulations, similar to sales communications. By employing technology to streamline compliance monitoring, businesses can adapt their marketing practices swiftly in response to regulatory changes.

Utilizing advanced compliance tools can help businesses ensure that their marketing practices remain compliant while effectively reaching customers. Adhering to consumer protection laws in marketing not only ensures fair treatment but also builds customer trust.

Updating marketing practices enhances overall effectiveness and helps maintain a positive reputation.

Using Brightcall to comply with new regulations

Brightcall offers a comprehensive solution to help businesses comply with the new telemarketing regulations. With tools and features designed to align with the regulatory requirements, Brightcall enables businesses to conduct ethical and compliant telemarketing activities, including managing support calls. From obtaining prior approval and using local phone numbers to maintaining detailed records and respecting the Do Not Call Registry, Brightcall provides the necessary support to ensure compliance.

Leveraging Brightcall’s advanced features streamlines telemarketing processes, reduces the risk of non-compliance, and enhances overall effectiveness. This proactive approach not only helps businesses avoid penalties but also builds consumer trust and fosters a positive reputation.

Using Brightcall, businesses can navigate the new regulatory landscape with confidence and achieve sustainable success.


In summary, the new UAE telemarketing regulations of 2024 represent a significant shift towards protecting consumer privacy and promoting ethical business practices.

By understanding the scope and objectives of these regulations, businesses can take the necessary steps to ensure compliance and avoid severe penalties. Key compliance requirements include obtaining prior approval, using local phone numbers, and maintaining detailed records of telemarketing activities.

To comply with these regulations, businesses must invest in training their sales teams and updating their marketing practices. The role of the Digital Governance Regulatory Authority in enforcing these regulations is crucial, providing guidance and support to businesses.

Tools like Brightcall can help businesses navigate the new regulatory landscape and achieve compliance. By adhering to these new rules, businesses can build consumer trust, enhance their reputation, and achieve long-term success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key compliance requirements for businesses under the new UAE telemarketing regulations?

To comply with the new UAE telemarketing regulations, businesses must obtain prior approval from the TDRA, utilize local phone numbers registered under their commercial license, and maintain comprehensive records of all telemarketing activities. Meeting these requirements is essential for regulatory adherence and operational integrity.

How do the new regulations protect consumer privacy?

The new regulations enhance consumer privacy by mandating businesses to obtain explicit consent before utilizing personal data for marketing, and they enforce adherence to the Do Not Call Registry, empowering consumers to opt-out of unsolicited calls.

What penalties do businesses face for non-compliance with the new telemarketing regulations?

Businesses that fail to comply with the new telemarketing regulations may face escalating fines, warnings, suspension of activities, and even revocation of their business licenses. This enforcement is aimed at promoting adherence to ethical practices within the industry.

What role does the Digital Governance Regulatory Authority play in enforcing the new regulations?

The Digital Governance Regulatory Authority plays a crucial role in enforcing new regulations by monitoring compliance, conducting inspections, and imposing penalties for violations while also offering guidance to help businesses navigate these rules effectively.

How can Brightcall help businesses comply with the new telemarketing regulations?

Brightcall aids businesses in complying with new telemarketing regulations by providing compliance tools to obtain prior approval, use local phone numbers, maintain detailed records, manage support calls, and adhere to the Do Not Call Registry. This support not only ensures compliance but also enhances the effectiveness of telemarketing efforts.